21 February 2025


  • Welfare contributions are as follows;
    • S.1, S.2, S.3 and S.5 – 217,000/=(Two hundred seventeen thousand shillings)
    • S.4 and S.6 – 267,000/=(Two hundred sixty seven thousand shillings)
  • Full school uniform which is not tempered with and in case it is old or outgrown, the learner, parent or guardian is advised to buy a new one from school.
  • Geometry set and scientific calculator for all students doing Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Geography
  • Physical Education attire for S.1 and S.2 students


  1. All students must swipe in at the gate and those who do not do so shall face consequences.
  2. Students should wear the school uniform between home and school
  3. Hair should be cut to the minimum level, 0.5mm
  4. Beards, side burns and wrist bands should not be worn with the school uniform
  5. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school. A student who smuggles a phone into school shall face sanctions stated in the school rules and regulations
  6. UNEB past paper question banks for S.4 and S.6 candidates