3 October 2024
The Bishop addressing the school

The Bishop of Namirembe Diocese, the Rt. Rev Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira delivered this message on the 31st March, 2023 during the Thanksgiving celebrations at Luzira Secondary School.

The Rt. Rev Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira acknowledged that for the fourteen years God has enabled him to serve as the Diocesan Bishop of Namirembe Diocese, he has had an opportunity to witness infrastructural and academic developments in some of the church of Uganda founded educational institutions, Luzira Secondary School inclusive.

The Rt Reverend Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira
Bishop and Permanent Secretary officially open the field

He appreciated the Board of Governors, PTA, Executive, Head teacher. Teaching and non-teaching staff, parents and all learners for their contribution towards the daily running of the school to enable it serve this generation and more generations to come.

He emphasized that Luzira Secondary School being church founded and government aided appreciates the president and the entire government for the financial support towards infrastructural development of the school.

Appreciated the Ministry of Education officials and the District Education officials for all their support, the Diocesan Education Department for the oversight role they play together with the Archdeacon, clergy, lay readers and all parents for w0rking together for the education of our children.

The field officially open

Appealed to the learners that this is their time to study and they should not allow anything to distract them. Encouraged them to make good use of the opportunity to sit at the feet of such committed and devoted teachers giving them whatever it takes for them to excel, as he emphasized that, “Don’t ruin your future by living carelessly.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

He encouraged the Head teacher, the entire administration and the chaplaincy to be spiritually sensitive as they administer the affairs of the school for the days are evil. He further asked them to be cautious of whoever is allowed t address the teaching, non-teaching staff and the learners.

Encouraged parents to invest as much as they can in the education of their children and prepare them to live as responsible citizens who will make them proud. He emphasized that parents should live exemplary lives, never be tempted to tell their children to do what they say and yet they act contrary to their words, “Let them see you as SALT and LIGHT.” Matthew 5:13-16

Motivated the school community to uphold the norms, values and identity at the verge of cultural erosion with the advent of what the Western world promotes as “Gay Rights.”

He finally requested everyone to have zero tolerance towards homosexuality and LGBTQ. Ephesians 5:10-20

The Rt Reverend Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira
The Rt Reverend Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira leaving

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